All Time Favorite Christmas Snacks To Serve Around Your Unlit Artificial Christmas Trees
What is one activity that most people try to do each year when they have put up their unlit artificial Christmas trees? They enjoy sitting around their tree and enjoying some snacks and goodies. It is a great way to just enjoy the fruit of your labor that has taken place to give you the beautiful unlit artificial Christmas trees that you are looking at. Plus, it allows you to take a break and just relax. Relaxing is vital during the Christmas season to avoid being burned out and hating the holiday. With this being said, do you have a favorite snack that you enjoy eating while sitting around unlit artificial Christmas trees? If you do not, we have compiled a list of snack foods that people love to eat during the Christmas holidays and they will definitely go on your list of things that you love to eat!
Chex Party Mix
Yes, you can find Chex Party Mix already made, but you will find that the idea of making this with your own twist is what makes this a holiday favorite. And even better, this is going to have a feel to it that will fit your unlit artificial Christmas trees as well! So, what flavors can you use on your Chex mix? Anything that you want! There are tons of people who are using dill and ranch, while others are using the more traditional flavors that include Worcestershire sauce on this Chex mix.
Chips and Dip
You cannot go wrong with chips and dip as a classic Christmas snack around your unlit artificial Christmas trees. You are going to find that you can go with any type of chips and dips. You can buy dips or even try to make your own. There are tons of dips out there you can make that use a combination of several ingredients to give you the perfect blend of savory and delicious.
Cheese Balls
Cheese balls are one of those items that are usually only brought out during the holidays. These cheese balls can have a combo of nuts, savory spices and even dried fruits in these to give them a great taste. You can eat these with chips or even crackers.
Popcorn with White Chocolate and Peppermint
If you are looking for a Christmas snack to eat that is both salty and savory, then you will want to use some popcorn and add in some white chocolate and peppermint. This is something that is true Christmas spirit that you can easily eat around your unlit artificial Christmas trees with ease. And you will find that kids love this as well. It is both salty and sweet, so for many people, this is the perfect snack!
What will you serve while you are sitting around your unlit artificial Christmas trees this year? Whatever you choose, make sure it is something that you enjoy and is easy to share with everyone!